Author's posts

Macross F 03

More delay coming soon. Can’t help with this disease. YuukiFS need more motivated staff and I’m killing myself. Oh anyway, YuukiFS dapat staff baru, Please welcome: TheFarhan as Quality Checker Padawan learners. Download Episode 3 DDL (03v3) | Inafile Sementara di Inafiles, karena macpro anokata kebakar DDL sudah up! XDCC Nanti #pengenbelibluraypacificrim

Amagami SS BDrip 01-02 & Macross F 02

Agak lama rilis gara-gara…. delay

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Macross F 01

Hiatus hampir 6 bulan… tiba-tiba ada post baru… anyway kita team-up lagi ama Kaze Fansub DDL (01v3) XDCC PS: we are still working on other show but in slow mode

Jigoku Shoujo 02 dan Pengumuman

One, two, Freddy’s coming for you. Three, four, better lock your door. Five, six, grab your crucifix. Seven, eight, better stay up late. Nine, ten, he’s back again…

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